Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Beginning...a Very good Place to Start....

In the beginning, on the first day of the year several years ago, I was introduced to the best game on earth.....NHL hockey!

I'm Lucinda - your host - well for this post anyway....

By day, I write and produce radio commercials....

By night, I teach dance, go concerting, and of course - follow hockey....all kinds of it....college right up to the NHL.....

yeah yeah yeah, you're thinking...whatev...

Here's where it gets interesting....

Some things you must know about me first off.....

I love Brian Campbell....there....we got that right out there first thing. Love him! The day he was traded from the Sabres, I cried four times!

In this picture to your left, you can see him with his parents....and clearly....I am not in this picture....bummer I know....

Anyway, you will be hearing lots about Campbell from me....

Secondly, My favorite Sabre as a person would be Andrew Peters....Why you ask? Because, he's beautiful! Period!

Over the course of our blog's life, you will also get to know about our Top 5 Sabres! Of course Rachy and I both disagree about the order they should be in, but we can both agree that these five are THEE five!

The Fab Five if you will....


Glad we could break the ice....

Who's next? Rachy?

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