Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Goodbye

Remember when I said that nothing could go wrong tonight with the game?


I didn't even get to SEE the game! It was blacked out here! BOOO!!! What I heard on the radio I wasn't too impressed with at all. 4-1 Sabres? Really? Ugh! Sharpie did score a goal though. So woo hoo for that I guess?


This is my official goodbye. This is my last post until I come home from my cruise. I'll only be missing 3 games so I hope nothing huge happens while I'm away. (And if any of you really loved me, you'd email if I do!) Last year when I landed in Miami I had 3 voice mails telling me Drew Stafford scored a hat trick. Don't do that to me again Drew K?

I leave you with a list of a few of the musical artists I'll be spending the next week with. They are all AMAZING and I encourage you to check out their tunes!

Sixthman presents "The Rock Boat"

Michael Tolcher -

Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers -

Wideawake -

Hanson -

Aslyn -

Over and Out!



Shelby said...

Have a wonderful time on your cruise! (: I hope the Sabres win some games for you while you're away (oh, and Staffy scores a hat trick of course.)

Caroline said...

Have fun!

Mary said...

I AM SO JEALOUS THAT YOU'RE ON THE ROCK BOAT. Late, but have tons of fun seeing SK6ERS (!) and Tolcher and Aslyn... take tons of pictures and videos!